Publikationsliste Prof. Dr. Jutta Papenbrock
Zeige Ergebnisse 141 - 148 von 148
Papenbrock, J., & Grimm, B. (2001). Regulatory network of tetrapyrrole biosynthesis - Studies of intracellular signalling involved in metabolic and developmental control of plastids. PLANTA, 213(5), 667-681.
Papenbrock, J., & Schmidt, A. (2000). Characterization of a sulfurtransferase from Arabidopsis thaliana. European Journal of Biochemistry, 267(1), 145-154.
Papenbrock, J., & Schmidt, A. (2000). Characterization of two sulfurtransferase isozymes from Arabidopsis thaliana. European Journal of Biochemistry, 267(17), 5571-5579.
Papenbrock, J., Pfündel, E., Mock, H. P., & Grimm, B. (2000). Decreased and increased expression of the subunit CHL I diminishes Mg chelatase activity and reduces chlorophyll synthesis in transgenic tobacco plants. Plant Journal, 22(2), 155-164.
Papenbrock, J., Mock, H. P., Tanaka, R., Kruse, E., & Grimm, B. (2000). Role of magnesium chelatase activity in the early steps of the tetrapyrrole biosynthetic pathway. Plant physiology, 122(4), 1161-1169.
Papenbrock, J., Mock, H. P., Kruse, E., & Grimm, B. (1999). Expression studies in tetrapyrrole biosynthesis: Inverse maxima of magnesium chelatase and ferrochelatase activity during cyclic photoperiods. PLANTA, 208(2), 264-273.
Papenbrock, J., Gräfe, S., Kruse, E., Hänel, F., & Grimm, B. (1997). Mg-chelatase of tobacco: Identification of a Chl D cDNA sequence encoding a third subunit, analysis of the interaction of the three subunits with the yeast two-hybrid system, and reconstitution of the enzyme activity by co-expression of recombinant CHL D, CHL H and CHL I. Plant Journal, 12(5), 981-990.
Zavgorodnyaya, A., Papenbrock, J., & Grimm, B. (1997). Yeast 5-aminolevulinate synthase provides additional chlorophyll precursor in transgenic tobacco. Plant Journal, 12(1), 169-178.